Parents Connection
Nerita Estampador-Ulep, M.D., F.A.A.P
Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
SIDS also known as crib death, strikes nearly 5,000 babies
in the U.S. every year. SIDS is unexplained sudden death of
an infant under one year of age. Most SIDS occur when a baby is
one to four months old. More boys than girls are victims and
most deaths happen in fall, winter and early spring.
After thirty years of research one definite cause or causes of SIDS
is still undetermined. However research have found some ways to
to reduce the risks of SIDS.
Healthy babies should sleep on their back. Some babies first
dont like to sleep on their back. However they can get use to it.
Your baby can be placed on his or her side but back sleeping
is the best position. If your baby is made to sleep on his or her
side make sure the lower arm is forward in position to prevent
him or her from rolling over onto the stomach.
Make sure your baby sleeps on a firm surface. Dont use fluffy
comforter or blankets. Dont use pillows or other soft materials or
waterbed. Dont place stuffed toys in the crib. Keep the temperature
in the room comfortable but not too warm. Keep your babys
environment smoke free. Babies and children exposed to smoke
have more colds and other diseases and have increased risk for SIDS.
The risk for SIDS is higher for babies whose mother smoked
during pregnancy. Dont drink alcohol or use drugs unless prescribed
by your physician
Lastly breastfeeding should be considered. Breast milk helps keep your
baby healthy.